No matter if you prefer to work with numbers or with people, use written language or maybe talk a lot over the phone, we will find you a suitable, attractive offer. We continuously service job offers with languages skills in Business Services - one of the most dynamic sector in Europe.
Before the interview we make fine-tuning of your CV, you also get preparation materials and videos giving you complete set of information you need to know to be successful candidate.
You got the offer and now it's time to relocate? You get all the information on best districts to rent a place, suitable commuting options and local specifics on daily living. Nothing will surprise you 🙂
Whenever you have some question or need assistance with recruitment or relocation we are happy to help!
We know Business Services very well and we are locals in Polish cities, so don't hesitate to ask!
Energy Element Sp. z o.o.
Szlak 77/222
31-153 Krakow, Poland
Fully remote due to covid-19
Energy Element Jarosław Sęk. All rights reserved